Hello Everyone!
I hope all have been well. I have been sick.
I thought it was allergies, but it turned
into some kind of upper respiratory infection!
It then went into Pleurisy!
Have any of you ever had that.? Well let
me tell you THAT IS PAINFUL!!!
I had to go to the hospital because the
pain was so sharp in my right lung that
I could not hardly breathe. I
thought I would cry it hurt so bad!
But I did not cry, I dealt with it.
Apparently I did not have any fluid in
the lining. I do not know what happened
to it.
I am still taking the medicine and will
to be finished with those in a week. If not then I will
go back to the hospital again.
I hope that none of you ever get this
kind of pain!!!
Anyway I have not gotten much done. Only
this cause I wanted to get this tutorial out of
my way before I started another apartment.
Made a dress and 2 capes from the shoulder pads.
I am glad that there is not anymore pink shoulder
pads, cause I would like different colors but I do
not have anymore. So I made a matching cape.
The white shoulder pad made a nice cape.
These are only for display on a bed or for you to
put on a hanger, not to be worn. Of course you
could experiment some. You could cut out armholes
and see if you could put it on the doll, if so, then
put trim around those holes and put it on a hanger
or a manikin.
This is the front side.
This is the back side.
Remember these are the shoulder pads I am using.
The pink pads have sponge in them and the white
one has a thin cotton or polyester fiberfill in it.
Go back to the other Shoulder Pad Tutorial
for the steps prior to this one.
I just started it out with this step so not so many
pics. Remember the folds should be even before
you cut off the ends.
I have used this lace and some tiny Daisy chain trim.
Start with sewing your lace on at the bottom of
your last stitch - at the top of the V. You can see
the pink pad under the lace.
Here is the front of the first lace sewed on.
Here is the second piece of lace being sewed on. Situate
it where you want, the choice is yours.
After you sew on the lace, sew around the front and
then back so you can indent for a waist area.
Here is what it looks like with the 2 pieces of lace
sewed on, the waist indention and also the straps.
Before I put on the straps, I just cut a little V in
the middle.
The straps are just pink quilting thread sewed by
leaving loops for a hanger. It does not matter how
you sew that. If you like you can use something
else for this part, but I think that the quilting thread
makes it a little dainty.
Up close of the straps.
See the sponge of the shoulder pad.
I cut off a piece of Daisy trim. This is so tiny.
I sewed the Daisy chain on top of the bodice. I
also tried maneuvering the Daisy's so that
it would accent the V, but you can hardly tell,
so it is up to you if you cut out the V or not.
This is how I ended the Daisy's.
Here is the entire dress again.
Now, here is the other pink shoulder pad to make
the cape.
You can use either side of the shoulder pad for this step.
Anyway, lay the Daisy chain on top and keep one dangling.
Put the knot in your thread and push your needle
up thru the first bottom Daisy. Put your needle
back through and sew it through the dangling Daisy.
See, the knot is hidden by the Daisy.
Continue sewing the Daisy chain up the side of the
shoulder pad. You only need one stitch in each
Finish sewing on the Daisy chain and end it as good
as you can.
See the backside of my stitches. I did not worry
about them.
Once you have finished sewing on your trim. Just
bring the 2 sides into the middle to form this cape.
Make sure that the bottom of the front matches
up with the bottom of the back. You can pin this
for the time being.
Make sure that your needle is threaded and knotted.
Take the pin out and hold the cape together. Put
a few stitches in or close to 2 of the Daisy's, only
to stitch them together to hold the cape closed.
You can probably tell where my stitches are.
Here is the back of the cape.
I put the cape under the dress. I hope you like this!
If you remember, the white shoulder pad was very
irregular. It looked like an uneven Dairy Queen
sign! But notice here in this picture I have made sure
that the large oval is on top. You want this large
oval on top. Also I will tell you now, that I liked
working with this shoulder pad much better
than the spongey shoulder pad.
This white shoulder pad is more pliable and easier.
Can you tell how once I fold in the sides, it is even
at the bottom. The spongey shoulder pads took a
little bit more to hold it in place. Either of
them are good to use for these capes.
Place on your trim. I used only gold Christmas trim.
Now, I need to make a dress to match this cape.
Just fold in the sides and finish like the pink
shoulder pad cape and you are done.
Gee, I got to get that piece of blue thread off of
my cape!
I hope you collected your shoulder pads!
This is a very quick and easy set to make for
your dolls.
Get cracking cause they might need a new
Please come again!