Saturday, April 25, 2020

Sewing Box - Sturdy Boxes To Become Sewing Rooms/Shops #1

Hello Everybody!
Hope you all are home and safe.
And especially keeping busy with your mini's!

I love miniature sewing items and also love
mini suitcases!
Don't know why - just do!
Maybe I will figure it out someday.

This is where some of my mini sewing stuff is 
being kept. 
No room to hold anymore.
Something had to be done.

I had 2 of these unused boxes that I bought from
Joanne's Fabrics many years ago. 
These are sturdy boxes. 
Hope you can tell about how big they are. 
They are pretty big!

Don't know if you can see it or not - but the box is
10 inches high.
Is almost 15 inches across and  about 8 inches

You know what I did!
I cut the flaps off of both of them!! 

I hope that I will not regret this...
Must think about how to fix the insides
and fix the front.
Anyone got any ideas - sure would love to 
from you??

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Visit me again!