Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Apartment Penthouse #4 - Kitchen moved again!

Hello Everyone,

Thank you for commenting.
I really did enjoy your suggestions.

Does anyone else have a problem finding
where a blog is once that person
becomes a follower?
I do.
When I click on the persons picture
my blogger will not take me there!!
It does not show me where you are!
Does anyone know how I can fix that?
I have had this problem for well
over a year or longer!
I used to think that everyone else
had the same issue as I do,
but now am not so sure!
Would appreciate help with this.
Thank you.

I do believe that I am getting closer
to solving this Penthouse!

Okay, so I moved everything out
of the Penthouse once again except
for the bathroom.
For now it will stay.

So, here is the kitchen moved to
the other side of the bathroom,
left of the front door.
This is the first time that I have tried
the kitchen over there with a 
bathroom beside it. 

I must say that I do like that.
The sink and refrigerator seems to fit nicely.

I think the pictures are big enough, but not
Been so busy that I cannot remember the size of them.

Not sure if the chaise and table should
be there, but then again what doll
does end up inhabiting this space,
will not be eating there.
To her it will just be for looks.

I removed the 2 bathroom walls so I could move
the stuff around.
It was hard to get to in order to see how far
back the chaise could go.

Looks roomy!
I hate to put a stove in there.

I am starting to like this arrangement!

You caught me peeking thru a window again!
Have had this chaise for ages.
Would like to find it a home eventually.

For some reason, this was the best pic
I could get thru the window.
Sorry about that.
Am happy it looks roomy.

Not bad, what do you think
about this arrangement?
My friend Lynda Meyers crocheted
the little doily and gave it to me. 
She is on Ebay.
Just type in crochet bedspreads.
Hers are lovely!!!
She keeps her prices as low as possible
and that includes shipping.

I think that kitchen is big enough for an island!
Maybe I better think about a small table
and chairs for this space.

Thank you for stopping by!!


  1. Hi Conny,
    I think you're on to something here! And even if the island doesn't work, a prep table next to the stove will provide a nice display area. It took me over a year and a half to sort out the New Orleans kitchen!

    1. Hello Jodi,
      I love your New Orleans kitchen so pristine and white, especially love the subway tile look!!!
      But my favorite is the 'Tea Time'!! Just love the sink area in the bay window and the colors of pink and green. You are so creative!!
      Mini huggs,

    2. I know what you mean. Some things take time. I have already spent so much time on this Penthouse. It is hard to move on to something else when this looms over your head. I was going to try your suggestion but I had not an island or anything to use as one. Wish I had your skills!!!

  2. I like the unimpeded view from the window into the kitchen and having your chaise at the center of it is a unique and unexpected arrangement so if you are to do it this way, then having the stove on the opposite wall makes the more sense than the island.


    1. Hello Elizabeth,
      I also like to be able to view out of/or into my windows. I tried your suggestion as always I do, just forget to say,but found there was not enough room between the 2 windows to place it there without it covering up some of the window (on both windows). Perhaps kitchen is too small.
      Mini huggs,

  3. It really is fun moving the furniture around. This way you know exactly what is the right place for everything. I suppose, even in a penthouse people sit down to eat and what better place than a kitchen. I'd consider a small table and chair instead of an island.
    Hugs, Drora

  4. Hello Drora,
    I agree. You must have a plan of what furniture is going in there to be able to know where to put walls etc...yes, I will be keeping a small set in my mind when I am playing some more here.
    Love your tutes!
    Mini huggs,
