Sunday, May 30, 2021


Hello Everyone!
Hope all is well!
Hope you have a great 
Memorial Day tomorrow!!

Many times, I meant to post before now, but 
some things kept coming up preventing 
I am finally getting around to it now.

I do not know about many of you out there,
but I grew up in a small house with small
closets - 2 girls to a room.
Yep, am from a large family!
The rooms were small - never had a lot
of clothes to clutter up a room
In fact the entire house didn't have any
clutter at all.
So, I would never have had a closet like
this - nothing close to it.
But it is nice to dream!!!

This is my closet that I put together
for the contest. 
Well - a section of it anyway. 
And here I show it in its raw state.
I guess I forgot to take a pic of the other half!!
Where I was hanging clothes I put some
thick card there for the rods to go, to try to
give more of a shabby look to it.  
Like the closet at some point in its life it needed fixing.
I put some extra shelves in this closet also that
was cut out from the same thick card.
You should be able to see them.
A vanity was suppose to go in the space
to the left but I didn't want one of those.
I wanted more shelving.
Needing to display as much
as I could.
It was a must to give some homeless things
a home!!

Here is the room-box with the closet.
Hope you can see it okay. 
Was feeling out - where to put things.
I printed out a shabby chic picture
for the flooring.
Back then, they probably didn't have shabby chic, but
all of that wood can be depressing.
So, I think the shabbiness of it does not
make my room the 50's.

Okay, I painted the outside black and the inside
white on this room box.
The closet was painted green so you can see it.
It catches your eyes more so than Candy.
There is a lot of color in there. 
Also I hope I don't have too much repetition with
the pics - but just trying to let you see
everything from different angles. 
A lot to see.

Glass is off.
Candy with her dog Co-Co. 
She is telling him sweetly that she cannot
pick him up just yet.
He could ruin her gown. 

Right side of the closet.
A mess on her ottoman.
Her ottoman is where she sits to put
on her shoes.
Good thing they are already on her feet!!

Left side of closet.
Closet has 3 hanging rods.

You can see the ottoman better
from this angle. 
Her black purse and matching little wrap
to put on her arms in case she gets a little
The purse came from ebay back in 2016.
Things were so much more cheaper then.
The pink wrap sits on top of a little gown
that I made back in 2016 I think?? 
It has a matching little coat to go with it
hanging just a little to the left of it.

I made this nightgown set and never had a place
for it until now.
Back then I didn't know how to embellish
little clothes, but I think now I could
do a better job.
But this is done - so will not change it.

Here are some shoes that I bought from
ebay also.
They were very cheap and poorly done.
Bought many years back.
I had to remove the coatrack so you see
Also - see the legs that I put on my closet.

I made everything in the room-box except for about
7 items. 
I made the shoe boxes, lingerie, little hanging 
coats, the dresses and nightgowns along with the
shirts folded up.
Also made the pocketbooks from 'Petite Sacs' tutorial
that I found online

I forgot if I put anything in the shoe boxes or the
other boxes. 

I love the shoes with the matching purse.
Again bought from ebay many years ago also.
Love the fans on this shelf.
I need some memorabilia behind them.

There are the Petite Sacs. 
Also 2 glove boxes with gloves in them. 

Better pic of the coats and the folded shirts. 
The pants below are actually Barbie pants that
I cut down and put on white hangers. 
Better view of the coats.

Better view of the petite sacs.

Better view of the glove boxes and bra.

Better view of the perfume bottles.

Bra and panties in the first drawer.

Some more underwear in the 2nd drawer.

Bought the hat and the hose packages. 

I added this fabric to the top of the closet because
underneath that I added a piece of matboard for
added strength. 
Then painted all of it green.

This shows the side view.

I made the red poodle skirt. 
Forgot to hem it.
I had ran out of time and had to quickly
make it.
It is not a good piece but I love it hanging

I love this coat!!
Another item that was bought from ebay
perhaps back in 2012.
Don't know who made it but it extremely
light even though it looks heavy.
Would love a couple more of these coats.

 Thank you for stopping by and
taking the time to visit me.


  1. Conny, has creado una preciosa escena! La chica tiene que estar encantada con ese armario tan grande y tan repleto de ropa y accesorios, Me encanta la lencería, los vestidos, los bolsos...y como todo forma un conjunto armonioso en la habitación!!

  2. Bonita escena llena de todo tipo de prendas. ¡Buen trabajo!

  3. Just beautiful, Conny! I love the way all of the accessories pop against the green, and I love the way you have it displayed in the case! Great work!

  4. Una escena muy bonita y no falta detalle.
    Un saludo

  5. Wonderful! The accessories are perfect. And I really like the floor.
